The last ferry from VICTORIA Island


I accepted delivery of my very first digital Nikon SLR camera the day before my trip for a conference in beautiful Vancouver, British Columbia. Because I forgot to pack the manual, I am amazed at what I managed to do with it in the 4 days we were there - I feel like I’m living my young boy’s dream of becoming a National Geographic photographer!

We caught the last ferry off the island, wrapping up our trip with an early morning air departure home.  It was the longest, most exhilarating sunset, inspiring a whole series of paintings entitled “Victoria”

On this trip I used the most means of transportation in a single day: trolley, train, ferry, bus, mountain bike, ski gondola, 4x4, tandem paraglide, hitch-hiked a car ride and ended up with a taxi ride home, completely exhausted.

Vancouver, CANada - a seemingles ending

June 26, 2008

Copyright ©  2008-15 Alejandro Gutiérrez.  All rights reserved.